The next meeting of Chatteris Town Council will be held in the Council Chambers, 14 Church Lane, Chatteris, on Tuesday 4th February 2025 at 7pm. Members of the public are welcome to attend and speak in the Open Forum.
For an agenda please go to the Meetings tab and scroll down to agendas.

Chatteris Town Council had a busy week remembering former councillors and entertaining older residents of the town.
On Saturday 23rd November the Council unveiled two memorial stones, which have been sited in the Little Acre Fen Pocket Park, next to trees planted in memory of former Town Council Chairman and long serving councillor Florence Newell and former councillor Rosemary Stimson.
The families of Florence and Rosemay were invited along to the ceremony, together with current and former councillors, and there was a good turnout despite the wet and windy weather.
Cllr Sue Unwin, who served on the Town Council for many years with both Florence and Rosemary, and was deputy chairman to Florence, welcomed everyone and spoke of her own fond memories of the two councillors. She also thanked Mr Carl Flippance of Chatteris Independent Funeral Services, who had kindly donated the marble and engraved the memorial slabs. Cllr Linda Ashley, who also served for many years alongside the two councillors, unveiled the memorial stones.
Those present agreed it was a fitting tribute to two councillors who had worked and fought so hard for Chatteris and its residents.
On Friday 29th November it was time to celebrate as the Town Council staged its annual Christmas party for residents aged 75 and over. Over 90 people enjoyed a full turkey lunch, a game of bingo and entertainment from singer Steve Bull in the festively decorated hall of the King Edward Centre.
The event was only possible thanks to the generosity of Chatteris Town Council, Housden’s caterers and Tesco’s, the hard work of officers and members of the Town Council, the staff of the King Edward Centre and the Golden Age team from Fenland District Council.
As party goers left they were given bags containing Christmas goodies and all were full of thanks and praise for a very enjoyable event.

Chatteris Town Council is a democratic body that abides by the collective decision of its members. All members have the opportunity to put forward their views and to vote when required to do so. Once a decision has been made all councillors should then respect that decision. Under the Code of Conduct a Councillor must not bring their role or the local authority into disrepute.
Views put out on social media by individual councillors are not the views of the Council, unless it is specifically stated that the views have been agreed by the Council.
The Council condemns any discrimination based on ethnicity, age, sex or disability. The Council wishes to disassociate itself from any discriminatory or bullying comments issued by an elected member.